Today’s Card tutorial is the last camp project for August. It kind of lights a little fire under me….I have a small stack of stamps that I have not used yet – and I have THREE weeks to show them to you before the Holiday Catalog debuts (well, not quite 3 – it kicks off Sept 5th!) September will be a flurry of Fall and Autumn stamps – October we will start thinking of Thanksgiving and Christmas (and I will be on vacation!) November – 10,000 of us gather in Orlando for On Stage and TWO new Catalogs – I need to stop thinking about it or I won’t be able to breathe…so back to summer…..
This was the card that I had slated for the last card – but so many of the projects were floral and bright. Here – watch the video and I will show you what I mean. I show you all 6 projects!
See – just by switching the Designer Series Paper and flipping the white side of the Laser Cut paper to the vanilla the look of the card went from Bright to Rustic!
The Laser Cut Specialty paper is so pretty. It has a large 12×12 piece that I used if you caught my Home Decor’ post a few weeks ago. Then it has strips and card sized pieces. At camp we used the design below, in the video I needed to save the ones I had so the girls at camp would have enough. All three cuts work – all three are lovely!
The original pink card was also colored with a Blender Pen and the ink pads. But this month (and for one month only!) we have some new watercolor pencils. I had not used them on any of the other projects -so I pulled them out for this card. This is actually a mixture of both the original pencils in our current catalog and the limited pencils that you can get now.
Here you can see the different look that you get from the Pencils and the Inks. Dollar for Dollar and just for the sheer ease (especially if you take your craft supplies on the go) Watercolor Pencils are ALWAYS the go to color medium. So inexpensive, So easy to use and will last you for decades.
In the video I show you exactly how to get a great vibrant color from a $12.50 set of pencils – seriously, you can’t beat the price!
This stamp set is so cute as well. If you have the coordinating punch already it is a no brainer! I hope you enjoyed the card. Head to my Facebook Page for a card contest I have going on this weekend! Vote for your Favorite card and you could win it and get one of them mailed to you!
I also will be sending some $5 off coupons off to those of you who go COMMENT and SUBSCRIBE over on my YouTUBE channel the remainder of August! I always appreciate a Thumbs Up as well, but I don’t get the notifications those. Make sure your account is not set to private.
August Online Order Special
use host code QJ9A2TD6
*Order $65 from my online store and select ONE free Classic Ink Pad (you select color)
*Order $100 from my online store and select TWO free Classic Ink Pads (you select colors)
allow 3 weeks for delivery
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