How many of you have the Barn Door stamps and Sliding Door framelits stashed away from when they were super hot ….I don’t know….a while back! I remember being in Salt Lake when they debut’d – so either a year or two ago. I can’t remember how long they have been out. Let’s go with a year, that will make me feel better!
**For the original post and better image quality – visit here
The two styles of the Barn Door and the Country Lane Suite are made for each other, yes? And if you have been afraid that the mechanics of the door are too difficult – I hope the video shows you that – it is INDEED NOT! So simple to put together! You will need the FOAM ADHESIVE STRIPS – that is the word I was missing when I was using them – and then I completely forgot again when I made the recipe list below. Ug, my brain somedays, lol.
If you are on my Facebook group – then you saw today I posted several pictures from when I have been out shopping to give you ideas on how to color in the objects from the Country Home stamps! It is SO on trend, most every store you go in – you see the elements everywhere!
Check back here tomorrow or in your In box for the weekend special that will go with this stamp set/suite!
AND during my Live I will be announcing the next TWO Artistry Inspired classes I have coming up. I am going with 2 because they are Autumn/Christmas combos – so they will overlap in October – so in early November we can get full on into Christmas!!
The CHICKEN WIRE special is now over. Hold off with any orders for the moment – on the live I will be announcing a substitute. They are currently so far on backorder that they are turned off. I have enough for those of you who HAVE placed your orders so far this month!
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