I was so happy to wake up to the glorious blue sky on Day 6 of our trip through Scotland. It had been my home in 1985 and 1986 and while I had been back to England since that time, this was my first trip back to Scotland since. It was the first trip to the country at all for my husband and daughter. Today was the day that we would not only be driving through the town where I had lived – but the building itself is now open for lunch and tea. We had arranged our day to be there for that – so to see the sun brought a smile to my heart. Of course it is Scotland – so it could easily change – but it seemed TOO blue to do that. Before we made it to Dumbarton for lunch, there were a couple of other of stops on our way.
First stop of the day. Simply breathtaking. We had a driving tour book with us. It was so hard to not stop every few minutes for pictures because you feel like you are driving through a painting. The weather could not have been any more perfect.
It was a good thing we need to make it to Dumbarton in time for lunch, it gave us a time schedule to keep to.
Here are just a few of my favorite pictures of the Glencoe Highlands….
This has been my screen saver on my laptop since we returned from our trip.
The pictures are all straight from our 2 cameras or my phone. No edits. No filters. They are not in order of our drive – I have just downloaded them from the 3 different cards.
There were several places you could pull over to start a walk or take pictures. In the picture above if you look carefully you can see people hiking down in the left corner! Lots of streams and little bridges.
The driving tour that we were doing had a lot of historical information. If you are ever so lucky to find yourself on a scenic drive through the Highlands, do take the time to find a good tour book that tells the stories of what happened there. My daughter had compiled a Scottish playlist of music as well – such a perfect way to enjoy the trip!
I will leave you with these last couple of pictures. Our next stop is Inverary and there are a lot of pictures from that part of the trip as well! If you have missed the other posts from our adventures in Scotland – you can see them all by clicking HERE
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